Last update: 07/10/2023


A is for Angel, sent from above,

B is for Baby, smothered with love,

C is for Cute as cute can be

D is for Diapers and changing them for me

Always a smile !

E is for Everything baby and more

F is for Father walking the floor

G is for Glad you are finally here

H is for Hiccups that are funny and dear

Again a smile !

I is for Icky sticky messing

J is for Jesus and His blessing

K is for Kisses and Kindness and Keep

L is for Love, so wide and deep

Michiel likes sporting !

M is for Mommy and her loving arms

N is for Never coming to harm

O is for Oat cereal and later Cheerios

P is for Precious little fingers and toes

Michiel and Amber are our sunshines

Q is for quiet, Baby is sleeping

R is for Relatives, always come peeping

S is for Sleep, but not for your folks

T is for Tub and all those long soaks

U is for Unconditional as in love from your parents

V is for Very active as you are by moments

W is for Wakeful, Watchful and Wise

X is for the Xtra special light you brought to our eyes

Y is for you – who is as bright as the sun

Z is for Zest for life that you gave us, little one.